In the Fall of 2017, Wolfe’s Neck Center, in partnership with Stonyfield Farm, launched the Regenerative Farm Observatory and Network project, a demonstration center for net zero carbon farming. Worldwide, agriculture is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, one of the principle drivers of climate change. Regenerative farming practices which include managed grazing, composting, cover crops and no-till crop systems, have the potential to reverse the effects of climate change by removing carbon from the atmosphere and sequestering it in the soil. Regenerative Agriculture at Wolfe's Neck Center


AKD is working with the Wolfe’s Neck Center farmers, education and campground staff to develop landscapes for farm programs, experiential education and recreation that incorporate the techniques and practices of regenerative agriculture and ecological restoration. From restoring ecosystem function on sites disturbed by major building construction to designing landscapes for people that highlight the forms and functions of the natural systems essential to a healthy planet, our work engages Wolfe’s Neck Center’s vision for supporting hands-on, experiential engagement with our environment and our future.





© Ann Kearsley – Maine Landscape Architect. All rights reserved.